Category Archives for "Prophetic"

Feb 03

Crossing the Line

By Seneca | Prophetic

This is a guest post from Tammy Tannahill of  Business Intercessor was the first business from scratch out of the gate when I started the Dream Ventures class.  A few days ago I was on Facebook and was  scrolling my friend’s page. I was surprised to come across my name on her wall. She had […]

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Jan 06

How To Prophesy to Your Future Self

By Seneca | Prophetic

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I do this once in awhile and it’s always a nice surprise to wake up one morning and find a message I wrote myself years ago. When I get anything that I believe is from God, with a date on it or a time frame attached, I know I might not be cognizant enough to read […]

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Sep 28

The End My Friend

By Seneca | Prophetic

Hopefully the blood moon hubbub is now over. There have been so many voices drowning out that of my Fathers on this subject. I tried not to let it bother me, traveling on two of the blood moon dates, much to the dismay of my mother. “You can’t go to Africa during the blood moon!” Is […]

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