Monthly Archives: December 2015

Dec 22

Rest Week

By Seneca | Working Smarter

I’m taking a week off, so no new blog this week.  Instead I’m resurrecting this oldie but goodie.  I hope you find your proper rhythm of work and rest for the new year! I have had a sense that I cannot go into 2015 in the state that I’m in. (The tired, pressured state.)​​I had […]

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Dec 13

Guest Blogging: Why You Need to and How to Get Started

By Seneca | Tips and Tricks

Warning: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'tve_social_network_default_xing_share' not found or invalid function name in /home/blogfree/domains/ on line 110

Notice: Undefined index: g_share in /home/blogfree/domains/ on line 66

Get ready to get uncomfortable, as anything that grows your business significantly is sure to push your comfort limits. I’m talking about guest blogging, which is the art of hitting up other bloggers for the privilege of speaking to their audience. You get to borrow someone else’s platform and audience for a moment and direct […]

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Dec 11

Build One Fire At a Time

By Seneca | Strategy , Working Smarter

Warning: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'tve_social_network_default_xing_share' not found or invalid function name in /home/blogfree/domains/ on line 110

Notice: Undefined index: g_share in /home/blogfree/domains/ on line 66

This is the counterintuitive way to get it all done successfully. Start one business at a time, master one technique at a time before moving on. The temptation is to start little fires and work to keep them all stoked rather than building something to the point where it’s self-sustaining and that a lot of […]

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Dec 04

Covert Businestry

By Seneca | Strategy

I realize this will be a controversial post. What you’re about to read is my best sense of direction for myself, and I’m not saying you need to be like me. This is meant to comfort, inspire, and maybe confirm some things for those who have a similar call to be a bit under the […]

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